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Skilled Tax Lawyers Specializing in IRS Debt Solutions

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What Is Tax Debt?

If you miss paying or filing your taxes, make a mistake on your tax return, or the IRS changes your taxes, and you owe money, you have tax debt. It's a common issue — in 2017, over 800,000 Americans had tax debt. Don't worry, though; the IRS offers ways to fix this. You can sort out your tax debt by correcting your tax return or setting up a payment plan or a deal with the IRS to pay less. These options can help reduce or even clear what you owe.

TaxDebtOffers - What is tax debt?

Steps for Finding Tax Debt Relief

If you owe taxes to the IRS, obtaining tax debt relief involves several key steps:

Clarify the Problem: Determine the exact amount you owe and check if the IRS has placed any holds or liens on your assets.

Identify the Root Cause: Assess whether errors in your return, insufficient income, or lack of collateral assets contributed to the issue.

Determine a Solution: Select the debt relief program most suitable for your specific circumstances.

Develop Your Case: Prepare a detailed explanation of why you're unable to pay the tax debt, along with your proposed resolution plan.

Submit Your Case: Present your prepared case to the IRS for review.

Obtain Tax Relief: Upon approval, receive the relief specific to the program you applied for.